====== DIP Project ====== ==== Pledge ==== ''I pledge on my honor that i have not given or received any undue assistance in this or any other previous assignment.'' ==== Group Members==== Amit Arora ( 04d05006 ) Manpreet Singh ( 04005008 ) Vishaal Jatav ( 04d05013 ) Varun Garg ( 04d05015 ) ===== Project Proposal ===== Image inpaining is the process of recovering lost or corrupted parts of the image or delibratelty removing unwanted objects from an image in a visually plausible way. Image inpainting find its application in restoring old paintings, removing text/publicity from images, introducing special effects in images/videos, etc. We try to solve this problem by categorizing it into two sub-categories, viz. filling the damaged image gaps (image restoration) and removing unwanted objects (special effects). ==== Work Distribution ===== All Group members have done Equal Work . ==== Design ==== The algorithms are taken from the papers listed below . - paper 1 - paper 2 The following are the features implemented Image inpainting Image inpainting part performs the following two functions * Defect Removal by Region Selection . The user can select the region to be inpainted using the GUI as shown in the figure ..the defected areas are selected by the click and drag option , they can also be selected by giving boundary points a polygon consisting of all the points bounded by those is automatically selected .. {{gallery>:}}{{gallery>:}}{{gallery>:}}{{gallery>:}}{{andionwhite2.png|{{andionwhite2.png|{{andionwhite2.png|}}}}}} [[http://example.com|External Link]]