This script checks for the availability of services by trying to connect to their according ports. Servers, ports and portdescription are read from a config file given as parameter.

use Socket;
if(scalar(@ARGV) < 1){
my %CFG=readConfig($ARGV[0]);
my $FULL=0;
   $FULL=1 if ($ARGV[1] eq 'full');
my ($server, $services);
my ($service,$port,$name,$prot);
my ($iaddr,$dnsfail,$paddr,$connfail);
foreach $server (sort(keys(%{$CFG{server}}))){
  $services = ${$CFG{server}}{$server};
  # resolve servernames
  $dnsfail = 0;
  $iaddr   = inet_aton($server) || ($dnsfail = 1);
  if ($dnsfail) {
    printf ("ERROR   %15s - Could not resolve DNS Name\n", $server);
  # check ports
  foreach $service (@{$services}){
    ($port,$name) = split('=',$service);
    $name     = trim($name);
    $port     =~ s/\/(.*)$//;
    $prot     = trim($1);
    $port     = trim($port);
    $prot     = 'tcp' unless ($prot =~ m/^udp$/i);
    $connfail = 0;
    $paddr    = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
    if($prot eq 'tcp'){
      socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname($prot));
      socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname($prot));
    connect(SOCK, $paddr) || ($connfail = 1);
    close (SOCK);
      printf ("ERROR   %15s - %s (%s/%s) connection failed\n",
      printf ("SUCCESS %15s - %s (%s/%s) connection succeded\n",
sub help(){
  print <<EOF;
  Usage: configfile [full]
  This script checks for the availability of services by trying to
  connect to their according ports.
  Servers, ports and portdescription are read from a config file.
  If optional parameter full is given even successful connections
  are displayed else only errors are shown.
sub readConfig($){
  my $cfgfile = $_[0];
  open (FILE,$cfgfile) || die("could not open configfile '$cfgfile'");
  my @file = <FILE>;
  close (FILE);
  my ($name,$value);
  my %config;
  my $section='';
  my $sname='';
  foreach my $line (@file){
    $line=~ s/#.*$//;
    $line=~ s/^\s*//;
    $line=~ s/\s*$//;
    next if ($line eq '');
    if($line =~ m/<\/\Q$section\E>/i){
      $section = '';
      $sname = '';
    if($line =~ m/<(\w*)\s?(.*)>/i){
      $section = $1;
      $sname = $2;
      $sname = trim($sname);
      if($sname eq ''){
        $config{lc($section)} = []; #prepare anonymous arrayref
        ${$config{lc($section)}}{$sname} = [];
    if($section && $sname eq ''){
    }elsif($section && $sname ne ''){
      ($name,$val) = split("=",$line);
      $val=~ s/^\s*//;
      $name=~ s/\s*$//;
  return %config;
sub trim($){
  my $string = $_[0];
  $string =~s/^\s//g;
  $string =~s/\s$//g;
  return $string;

Here is an example configfile

<server imap.domain>
  143 = IMAP
   25 = SMTP

<server fs.domain>
  389 = LDAP
  139 = Samba
   80 = Apache
 2049/udp = NFS Server

<server printserver.domain>
   515 = LPD
#   139 = Samba
  6566 = Sane
   631 = Cups 631
    80 = Cups 80

<server devel.domain>
  80 = Apache