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From command line (using php-cli):

$ php genWikihash.php <clear text pass> [<crypt method (defaults to smd5)>]
// call it: php dokupass.php <clear text pass> <method (default smd5)>
// Tomas V.V.Cox <>
function msg($str) { die($str); }
 * Encrypts a password using the given method and salt
 * If the selected method needs a salt and none was given, a random one
 * is chosen.
 * The following methods are understood:
 *   smd5  - Salted MD5 hashing
 *   md5   - Simple MD5 hashing
 *   sha1  - SHA1 hashing
 *   ssha  - Salted SHA1 hashing
 *   crypt - Unix crypt
 *   mysql - MySQL password (old method)
 *   my411 - MySQL 4.1.1 password
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <>
 * @return  string  The crypted password
function auth_cryptPassword($clear,$method='',$salt=''){
  global $conf;
  if(empty($method)) $method = $conf['passcrypt'];
  //prepare a salt
  if(empty($salt)) $salt = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    case 'smd5':
        return crypt($clear,'$1$'.substr($salt,0,8).'$');
    case 'md5':
      return md5($clear);
    case 'sha1':
      return sha1($clear);
    case 'ssha':
      return '{SSHA}'.base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($clear.$salt)).$salt);
    case 'crypt':
      return crypt($clear,substr($salt,0,2));
    case 'mysql':
      //from comment by <soren at byu dot edu>
      $charArr = preg_split("//", $clear);
      foreach ($charArr as $char) {
        if (($char == '') || ($char == ' ') || ($char == '\t')) continue;
        $charVal = ord($char);
        $nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $charVal) + ($nr << 8);
        $nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr;
        $add += $charVal;
      return sprintf("%08x%08x", ($nr & 0x7fffffff), ($nr2 & 0x7fffffff));
    case 'my411':
      return '*'.sha1(pack("H*", sha1($clear)));
      msg("Unsupported crypt method $method",-1);
if (empty($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
    die("Usage: php " . $_SERVER['argv'][0] . " <clear pass text> <method (default smd5)>\n");
$method = !empty($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : 'smd5';
echo auth_cryptPassword($_SERVER['argv'][1], $method) . "\n";

Roland Eckert wrote 2006-Aug-06 16:41:16 CET:

I also had luck generating a valid hash using the command line

php -r 'echo md5("mypassword")."\n";'
genwikihash.php.txt · Last modified: 2006/11/13 13:48 by andi